Visual Branding Process


Welcome to another Branding 101 post! I hope you’re enjoying and learning as I just love sharing these tips & tricks and information with you all.

The title might look a bit daunting, but the visual branding process is actually quite fun and it’s something that The Mood Lab is passionate about (well duh, it’s our business!). It can also be quite a long process that isn’t always clear to everyone but I’m hoping that after this post you’ll be good to go. Remember, if you’re looking for branding help, we’re just an email away!

To make this easy on you, I’m going to do a short summary of the five points involved in the visual branding process. So buckle up, get your coffee ready, and here we go:

1. Strategy

This is the initial step. We do all the juicy, fun things about your brand’s personality, story and messaging. It’s important to dig deep here so that we’re clear on who we’re speaking to, what your mission is and what you want to put out into the world. Strategy is super important because it sets the tone of your brand and what you want it to become. It’s daunting, for sure, but important and it can be so fun.

2. Mapping of customer journey

This second step is to determine which channels are relevant so that we can be effective on our content creations. Your ideal client or customer isn’t necessarily on all of the social media platforms out there, so we need to strategise and work out which channel, platform, website, whatever, is where your client or customer is. It’s no good if you’re all over Facebook but your ideal client is on Instagram!⠀⠀⠀

3. Visualisation

Time to get creative! Visualisation involves drawing and compiling mood boards, stylescapes, playing with colours and shapes and all of the fun stuff! Deciding on your brand’s fonts, colours and tone of voice is such a fun step and is not to be missed! This is where you decide what you want people to see when they click on your website, Facebook or Instagram feed. In this case, looks are important!⠀⠀

4. Design

Oh, I love it when a brand comes together! Design is where everything comes together with the visuals and you can properly see what it’ll all look like when you’re done. It might be surprising that this step is so far down the list, but brand designing is not graphic designing. Designing and building a brand includes a lot more strategising, planning and work to craft a cohesive, successful brand.

5. Brand maintenance

It might surprise you to know that creating is easy, but the aftercare is make or break! Remember that it’s so important for your brand to be cohesive to your vision and designs and relevant to the times, otherwise, all of the work you’ve done would just be wasted.

If this was helpful, remember to have a look at other blog posts we have on this website. We share branding tips for entrepreneurs and business owners worldwide. Thanks for being here and until next time!
